Bridge Project Blog - 3/17/17

Project Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A


This is our bridge.


For this project, I'd say was quite difficult. Like I've said in the past, in this project, we are to create a bridge that can have a farmer, a fox, a chicken, and corn to cross over a 1 meter bridge safely. I'd say this project was difficult, because we had less building time, and the material to build the bridge was quite hard to build with. Before building, me and my group kinda brainstormed some different bridges types, and chose to do arch, with some combination of some parts of other bridges. Then, we decided to use penne pasta, because it has a harder and stronger than some other pasta. So we decided on a penne and spaghetti pasta, arch bridge. In this project, I have learned many things, like the 6 different bridge types, beam, suspension, arch, truss, cantilever, and a cable stayed bridge. Each bridge has 4 different types of stresses, compression, tension, torsion, and shear forces. Compression is the pushing of the bridge. Tension is the pulling force of a bridge. Torsion is the twisting force of the bridge. Shear force is when two structures was forced in opposite directions. Our bridge sadly, could not withstand the weight. The bridge collasped right away. But, my group and I learned not add so much weight, and we should different support systems. As you can see, even though the project was difficult, has less building time, bridge collapsing, we learned many things about bridges. 

Backward Looking

Did I have problems while working through this project? Yes. I had few problems while working through this project. For example, one problem was making the bridge. When creating the arch, it was unstable. I found a way to fix this, by add some supports under it. We needed a roadway, kinda last minute. Luckily, a group had extras, so they gave them to us. As you can see, I had a few projects, while working through the project. 

Inward Looking

After doing this project, I kinda felt proud and sad at the same time. For example, I felt sad, because some people in my group were stressed about this. So I decided to take it home. But after a few hours of work on this bridge, I thought it looked nice. Sadly, it did last very long. I also felt proud because not only did we get to build a bridge, I also learned many things about bridges and what we can do to make it better. And I like that we got to make a bridge. I didn't like that the main material of the bridge was pasta, which could break easily. As you can see, I felt sad and proud about this project.

Outward Looking

We had some similarities and differences with other groups with this project. For instance, some similarities are, we all used pasta. But, not all of us used the same type of pasta. Our group used penne pasta, lasagna, and spaghetti. Some groups sed lasagna too, but not all. There was one other group that use penne too. We also made an arch bridge, other made a truss bridge. Our process was quite similar, because we all had to do our research, then we all brainstormed ideas, then create our bridges. As you can see, we had some similarities and differences with other groups with this project.

Forward Looking

If we had a chance to do this project, we would. For instance, instead of doing an arch bridge, we might make a truss bridge or a shorter bridge, so that the bridge would be more stable and sturdier. Even though, we were given a 1 lb. box of spaghetti, we might not use it, because spaghetti breaks too easily. We might not use penne pasta, either. Even though penne is stronger, it's too strong. You can glue it together, but it will break again. So as you can see, if we had a chance to redo this project, we would do it and change some parts.


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