Xriver-Bridges W2 - 3/10/17
Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A
Design Process
This week, we have finished the brainstorming of the Generate Possible Solutions step. Now we are on and hope to finish the protype of scale model of the Make and Test a Model step.
This week, we have done many things, like continuing a new project. On Monday, we continued what we did last week. Me and one of my teammates, Eduardo finished up our pros and cons about bridges. While the other two in team, Jennah and Jewel started to plan what we are going to have in our bridge. On Tuesday, when everyone was done, we all planned out our bridge. So we decided to combine different parts of different bridges and made it this bridge. We have a truss from a truss bridges, and some other things that will give the bridge some tension and compression. On Wednesday, Jennah brought some penne, because our main material is penne, instead on spaghetti. Since Mrs. Garcia gave each group a box of spaghetti, we will use it. Me and and eduardo thought of some ideas from the arch and roadway, while Jennah and Jewel came up with ideas for the truss and below the roadway. On Thursday, we continued to build our bridge. And today is Friday, it is blog day! As you can see, we have done many things this week.
Bridge TorsionBridge Pro and Cons - in progress
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