Asteroid Background Research - 3/29/17

Background Research

Throughout many lessons and activities, I have learned many things. I learned whether our cavern should be big. We said our cavern should be as big as 1/10 of the state. We looked at the map, and made sure our cavern is not in the way of any physical or natural geographical features, like mountains and fault lines. We learned how big each person takes up. After measuring the classroom, and dividing it by the amount of people, we found out each person should take up about 66.25 meters squared. For 10,000,000, it should be about 662.5 km sq. We then, compared the size to military base. We learned how big one map square is which is 10km by 10km. We found possible locations of the cavern. (D4,D5, E4,E5,F4,F5) (E24-26, F24-26, and half of G24-26), and (D11, D12, E11, E12) .We chose 3, because some of the locations are clear path of physical/natural features, and has a good rock. Out of 3, 2 of these locations have good rocks, like gneiss and granite. As you can see, I have learned many things. 


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