Eco House W2 - 1/13/2016

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

This week, I have complete the background research part of my project. Now, with the help of my group, we are brainstorming solutions for our eco house.


This week, I would say we have done many things. For example, on Monday, we continued to finish up our green write up. I have finished my part. On Tuesday, we are doing any final touches to our green write up as to it due. I have learned different ways to say the amount of heating and cooling, to use it, with more eco-friendly solutions. On Wednesday, we started to think of ideas of what we should have in our house. I came up with a one story house that had the same outline as a house I once lived in. My team members, Minh Anh and Ben came with their own house plan. At the end, we came up with one house, that had what we all wanted. We still have to remember that this all ties into a eco-house, which means we shouldn't have something that would take up too much energy. On Friday, we writing our blog. If we have enough time, we are continuing to work on our house plan.


This is our floor plan of our foundation.


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