Thermos Challenge - 12/9/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

I have finished many steps of the design process. I would say I finished the background research of the Define the Problem step, because this week, we only did background research.


Class this week was effective. We started and finished many things. For example, we 
have to finished the new project, the Thermos Challenge. My group is me, Eduardo, 
Abram, and Preston. Before we brainstorming anything, we have to do background
research. On Monday, we were given a task to do the learn section. After we take notes, 
in a google doc. First, I watched about the differences between heat and temperature. 
Then, I watch how heat is transferred. I looked at different materials, polystyrene. 
Yes, this is a good material, it keeps the water warmer. I did some thinking about it. 
For example, after watching and doing activities about heat and temperature, I was 
amazed. I started to brainstorm some ideas in my mind. Some people also gave me 
ideas. As you can see, I did finished many things this week, like learning from 
research, and brainstorming ideas.



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