Thermos Challenge - 12/9/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Design Process I have finished many steps of the design process. I would say I finished the background research of the Define the Problem step, because this week, we only did background research. Summary C lass this week was effective. We started and finished many things. For example, we h ave to finished the new project, the Thermos Challenge. My group is me, Eduardo, A bram, and Preston. Before we brainstorming anything, we have to do background r esearch. On Monday, we were given a task to do the learn section. After we take notes, i n a google doc. First, I watched about the differences between heat and temperature. T hen, I watch how heat is transferred. I looked at different materials, polystyrene. Y es, this is a good material, it keeps the water warmer. I did some thinking about it. F or example, after watching and doing activities about heat and temperature, I was a ...