Electromechanical Systems: W2 - 9/2/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

This week, I have done some things. I have the, 'design criteria and goals' of the Define the Problem step. Now, I am currently on the 'thumbnail sketching' step of General Possible Solutions. 


I found out that electromechanical engineers design and build circuits. Their salary is up to an average of $120,000. They can study at different universities, like University of Alberta. They study for 4-6 or more. They work up to 40 hours a week. Some companies that have electromechanical engineers is Texas Instruments, etc.

Hat Design



http://www.aboriginalaccess.ca/youth/types-of-engineering/electromechanical-systems= 10
https://www.sokanu.com/careers/electrical-engineer/salary/ = 9.5 - 10


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