Reverse Engineering Project Blog - 10/21/16

Reverse Engineering Project Blog : Victor Nguyen


This is invisible ink. We used OUR flashlight, with homemade UV. It works.


As Mrs. Garcia had said, this project has been taking a while, and is getting boring. At the beginning of this project, my group was Abram, Frank, and Pierson. We chose the reverse engineer the flashlight, because it was simple. The steps of this project is, Proposal, Manual, Make It Better, Put It All Together, and presenting. When we were working on our proposal, we just hypothesized of how much it cost, did some light measurements of the flashlight, and said why we chose this item. In the manual, we actually did everything in depth, such as measurements, cost, and explanation. We decided to make it better, by making it UV. Before this, we even decided to present this for Student Exhibition Night, to appreciate Mrs. Garcia. But sooner later, we took too long on this project. Our group didn't mind, because it was a good project so far. At the end, we presented this project, by putting it all together in one video. The video wasn't as good, but it showed something. As you can see, for our Reverse Engineering project, we chose a flashlight.

Backward Looking

There were many problems that I encountered while working on this project. For example, when we were working on the Make It Better step, it didn't work sometimes. Our original plan was to shine different color lights, but we didn't want to colors tons of tape. Plus, the color didn't display out fully. So, we decided to change our plan to  make it better by display a UV ray. We used the same step, by color one layer of tape. Put it on the lens, and display. Another problem we faced was our presentation. Everything was planned perfectly, but when we recorded and tried to put things together, the video was weird. And so, we have faced many problem while working on this project.

Inward Looking

My goal for this piece of work was to take the flashlight apart, see the parts, and see how we can make it better. We have followed our goals, and we have taken the flashlight apart. There were many pieces to this flashlight. We learned that there were more precise names for each part. For example, its not glass, its the lens. It's not the metal thingy, it's light bulb holder. As you can see, I had some goals for the piece of work.

Outward Looking

Different people have different perspectives. When someone else, not in my group, were to look at my project. Some people might say that I'm catalyst, that I participate to change something. I participated in this project, and I help make this flashlight. In addition, if someone were to look at my project. Some other might say that I'm creative, that I have an imagination. I imagined an another image of this flashlight. As you can see, when someone else were to look at my project, different people will say different things about me.

Forward Looking

You can learn from your mistakes. Now, I made some mistakes doing this project. I would improve on that mistakes, if I had a chance, so that I won't make the same mistake next time on another project. One thing that I would like to improve on is our presentation. For our presentation, we did a video. When researching, we had lots of information and sketches. But in the video, there wasn't as much info. Now, we could have done a formal presentation, but we didn't. Me and Pierson realized after the presentation, that should have done a slide show, because then we know we have plenty of information. As you can see, we made mistakes. There are some things that we would like to improve on.


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