Sound Amplification W2 - 11/11/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

I have finished many of the steps, from Designing the Problem to Make and Test a Model. In those steps, we made sketches, design solutions, and started to create a prototype, of our amplifier. Now, since we know, we are starting to go on the step, Modify and Improve Design, which we are working to redesign our device.


This week we are continuing to work on the project, called Sound Amplification. On Monday, everybody, including our group that include me, Pierson, Abram, and Ben, have continued to create our prototype. We have realized that we had holes, that would let out some sound when we project it, so we had to patch up as much holes as possible using hot glue. The next day was testing day. Everyone tested their prototype; because we patched up the holes, it turns out that our group had a device that amplified and increased the most decibels. On Wednesday, we were finding a way to redesign our device. Since there were more holes, we have finished gluing the device, to patch up as many holes as possible. On Thursday, we did any changes that needed to be changed, and took pictures of the final piece, and started to write up our presentation. So as you can see, we have continued to work on our Sound Amplification project.

Image / Links

Hot Glueing the Cups and Rolls Together 
Continuing to Hot Glue to Device

Put Together Device, which the phone will go through the holes.


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