Digital Citizenship Pledge

Digital Citizenship Pledge : Victor Nguyen 7A

As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to keep my personal information secure by not sharing passwords, credit card numbers, and address away from people. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to always log out of every account when I'm done, so that others won't hack into my account. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to turn off location services before posting, so that people won't track me. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to use appropriate language on the internet while playing others, because it is good etiquette on the internet. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to think before posting any photos weather it contains people or not, because that photo could be used for different reasons. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to think, "Would I show this to their grandma?" If not, then I shouldn't send the text. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to be careful of what I write and how I write it, because people can see the words in a different tone. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to treat others online with common courtesy and respect, so that I will receive the same from others. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to always to go to a place or do something that I fit into, so that I will be safe around others. As a Digital Citizen, I pledge to never use someone else' ideas or called, plagiarizing, because you're taking someone's idea. 

x ----- Victor Nguyen


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