Reverse Engineering Project Blog - 10/13/17

Reverse Engineering Project Blog : Victor Nguyen


Through this project, I learned again what reverse engineering is. Reverse engineering is taking apart an item to see what it is made of and how it works. After choosing our groups and choosing an item that has more than 7 parts, my group wrote a proposal. The JetJat Nano Drone and Drone Remote has 10 parts, altogether. The batteries send energy through the wires, that power energy to the motherboard, which sends to signal to the drone when you move the joysticks. The screws interacts with the parts, because it keeps everything together. Engineers go through many steps of the EDP, to make this item, and now I know how it works. After six weeks of learning about conflict, I used it in this project. As you can see, this is what I learned in the Reverse Engineering project.


Before this project, I already knew what reverse engineering was because I did a similar project last year in another class. Even if I hadn’t done this project last year, I would have known a bit about engineering since my parents were engineers. But after doing this project twice, I learned more about this project. I learned that I could improve my work and improve on working in a team. As you can see, I already knew about this project before we started.


Before and during this project, we had set some goals for ourselves. Our original goal was to see what the drone is made of. After learning that we had another components, we revised our goal to, we need to see what the drone is made of and to see what the drone could be used for. We stayed at those 2 goals, and didn’t really change it after. As you can see, we had some goals for this piece. We changed it and we met our goals.


We have met the standards for this project. For the manual, we met the standards by adding sketches, pictures, BoM, and descriptions. For the presentation, we met the standards by showing how it works, stating the novel uses of the item, and showing illustrations. As you can see, we have met all the standards for this project.


This piece tells something about myself. This piece shows me that I can use what I know about conflict to overcome it. Together we worked as a team to overcome conflict such as decision making. Also, together as a team, we worked to complete the project. As you can see, this piece shows that I know how to work in a team

Team Role

In this project, I feel like I was a Seeker. I feel like I was a Seeker, because I help the team with their research. I went onto the drone website and go the dimensions and cost dwon. I was Seeker, because I also help the team with their recording. I took pictures and wrote some of the manual. As you can see I feel like I was a Seeker, during this project.


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