Partner Bio - 2/17/17

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

This week, I would say I'm not on a design step, because we have been working with the 5th graders on a different project. But I would say I completed the protype or scale model of the Make and Test a Model step. I would say this, because on Wednesday, we worked with Ms Yip on a Marshmallow Design Challenge. We had create something, so I would say I completed that step.


This week, I would say we have done many things. Mainly this whole week, we kinda started a new project in Ms. McMillan's class. We started the Hero's Journey Partner Interview Project. On Monday, we were all given a 5th grade partner. My partner, her name is Gabi. For the two class periods in this class, I've learned many things about her. For example, I learned that she does a Filipino stick fighting thing called Eskrima. Then on Wednesday, we did something different. We worked with Ms. Yip and did a design challenge. It was a marshmallow design challenge. Our goal was build the tallest structure, that could stay up and could only use the following materials: a string, a piece of tape, one marshmallow, and an amount of spaghetti sticks. Plus, the marshmallow must be on top of the structure. Our group would have won, but it fell. Last minute, it broke, so we just made something up. Our group made it to second place. On Thursday, we again worked with our 5th grade partner. My partner was again not here, so I had to work alone. I finished my shooting shot script done. As you can see, we have many thing this week. 



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