Eco House Project Blog - 2/10/17

Project Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A


This is a our tirfold and our eco house


At the beginning of the project, we were already assigned group. My group was me, Minh Anh, Jewel, and Ben. No offense to Ben or Jewel. Even though half our group wasn't or didn't much of the work, we were still able to complete the task of the project. The task of the project was to build a house that was eco-friendly. Before building, we did our green write up. I learned that instead of spending hundreds of dollars on heating and cooling, you first close up any leaks at door or windows. This way the air can stay inside the house. Or you can use central heating and cooling, by using heat exchangers, blowers, burners, and less gas. You never want to use too much gas, because that's polluting the earth. Even though I didn't necessarily researched, or wrote about these parts in the green write up, I still learned about them since I have to present the project myself during SEN. The sustainable construction. You can really use any materials to build a house like this, but we recommend the house be made of wood. There are many advantages of using wood, such as good temperature. Water use. I learned that to save water, we can use water tanks that collect rain water, then filters it, which makes clean water. The electricity. I learned that we can use solar panels that generates powers, by sucking the PV from the sun. Using this, you can have solar powered energy for TV, when the power is out. For our solar panels, we have monocrystalline. As you can see, there are many ways of having a eco-friendly house, from water saving, green electricity, clean temperature and air. All the things you would need to have a greenhouse, for a green environment.

Backward Looking

Before doing this project, I have actually done something similar like this, in a previous grade at a different school. We didn't exactly have to build an eco house, but we did learn why our house should be eco-friendly. We made some things that were eco-like. We made stuff, like eco-cars, eco-homes, etc... As you can see, I kinda did something like this a few years back at my old school. 

Inward Looking

I found some things frustrating. I felt like it was only me and Minh anh doing all the work. Probably, Ben and Jewel was there, and they probably added a few decorations, but I felt we did most of the work. Minh Anh doing the first, and I did the second floor, trifold, making the video, and presenting by myself. Whenever we ask them to do something, they do it, but slack. At the end of the day, they aren't even done. I wish Ben and/or Jewel could have help us just a bit more. As you can see, I found somethings frustrating.

Outward Looking

I kinda did my work, sorta like others did. Our house is a two story house. I think I saw like 1 or 2 other groups did 2-story house. Other than that, groups did 1 story house. Our process for this project was quite similar to others, too. First, we all did our green write up. Then, we planned out what we could have in our house, and drew out some sketches of the house. After that, we drew our floor plan. Later on, we started to build our house. It took us a few days to a week, to complete the house. We then put together our trifold, and a 2 minute video for a walkthrough. As you can see, our process to this project was similar and different at the same time to other groups.

Forward Looking

I would like to work again on some things in this project. For example, I would like the make all the walls the same color, because the first floor walls is cardboard is paper rapped around it. The second floor walls is like index cards or just green paper. And I would make all the windows the same size and small. Some are bigger than the actually doors. Anything else, I would change. As you can see, I would change some things about our project.


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