Reverse Engineering W1 - 9/30/16

Weekly Blog 4: Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

I have just finished the 'Brainstorm' in the Generating Possible Solutions. Now, we are 'Thumbnail Sketching' step. 


This week, we have done some things, probably the same as last week. Well on Monday, we had got started on our new project, Reverse Engineering. We chose our groups, its Abram, Frank, Pierson, and I. Then, we need to choose our item. We didn't really take long, so we simply decided, the Flashlight. The first step of the Reverse Engineering is our proposal, so started to write it. The proposal is down below. On Thursday, Mrs. Garcia wasn't here, so we had to watch a video and answer some questions. And now, it's Friday and it's Blog Day!!!


Reverse Engineering Proposal


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