Project Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

For this hat project, I have learned many things. For instance, I have learned the main thing about electromechanical engineer. That main thing, is that they design and build electronic circuits, for video games, amusement parks, airplane circuits, etc. To become that engineer, you can study at mainly any university, but you need at least a Bachelor's degree, with 4 years or more in college. Electromechanical engineers have to work up to 40 hours a week and they get paid up to $120,000. Some companies have electromechanical engineers, like Texas Instruments, Intel, etc.
Backward - looking
Before I got assigned this subject, I didn't know much about this topic. I probably knew what an engineer is, but not an electromechanical engineer. For example, I knew engineers design and build different things. In the name, 'Electromechanical Engineer' is electro, so I thought this engineer design and build things that have to do with electric. As you can see, I didn't know much about this topic in the beginning.
Inward - looking
I felt good about my work, because I did a lot of work research about this topic. I also put my hat together. I have spent almost 2 weeks on this project, and I think I learned some valuable facts about my topic. Near the end, I thought I was done, so I started to put my hat together. In conclusion, I feel good about my work.
Outward - looking
I would give my project an A-. I feel like my hat isn't perfect, so I feel like it doesn't deserve a 100%. I also feel like my hat isn't bad, so I it doesn't deserve lower than a B. So, I feel like my hat deserves an A-.
Forward - looking
I saw some different things in others' work, that's not in mine. Some of those things are, they wrote out their facts, and I printed mine. They drew their picture, and I took a picture of my hat. I feel like I can do my own things, and not what others do. As you can see, I have some slight difference from others' hat and my hat.
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