EDL Arrangement Project Blog - 9/23/16

Engineering Design Loop Arrangement Project Blog



This week, I learned plenty of things. For example, I learned that there are 8 steps in the EDL and in the S&EP. The 8 different steps are Define the Problem, Research Problem, Develop Solutions, Best Solutions, Test Prototype, Redesign, and Communicate Results. Since Mrs. Garcia was out for a day, we didn't have any tech, so we watched a video and learned many things. For instance, I learned that there are some things/advances out there that are impossible but you can turn them possible. As you can see, this week, I learned plenty of things.

Backward Looking

I probably knew some things before this project. I knew some of the steps in the Science & Engineering Practice. So I knew some of this steps in this. Besides that, I didn't know much about this Engineering Design Loop. I found about these steps, because I used the website that Mrs. Garcia gave us. That website helped me understand more of the steps. As you can see, I probably did or didn't know some things before this project.

Inward Looking

I had some goals before doing this project. For instance, one of my goals was to watch and research about the topic. Then, once I got that done, my goal was to start on the arrangement and have a good design. Lastly, my goal was to finish the arrangement and to start on this project blog. Near the end, I felt good, because I had goals and I completed the goals. If you don't have goals, sometimes you won't get things done.

Outward Looking

Different people have different opinions. I think when people look at my arrangement, I think they will see me as a simple person. I don't have all these colors, and all these weird and good designs. I like to be simple, not basic, because I want readers to not be confused and be able to read my work. Not all people may think this, but as I said, different people have different opinions. 

Forward Looking

At this point of time, I feel like my project is well created, but not perfect. I feel like could add some changed to this project. For example, for each step and each practice, I could add some bit more explanations and details. The reason, why I didn't put details, because I felt like I should tell step and the practice that goes with it. As you can see, I didn't really want to change anything at this point of time. 


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