EOY Project Blog - 5/12/17

Project Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A


our build


For this project, we are working on our build portion of this End of the Year Project. We are to build our prototype. I learned many things in this project. My EOY group is me, Frank, and Jessica P. Our clients is Abram, Jennah, and Tiffany. We are to build their project, and they are to build our project. Our clients wanted to redesign the old garden area, right outside Ms Garcia's classroom. We wanted to redesign the cafeteria, and have more modernized furniture and color. I learned that we can connect our build to our mission statement, which is Revolutionizing a Space, Where Students can Hang Out and Feel Welcomed. If you we make our space more modernized, students might wanna go there. So as you can see, I learned many things doing this End of Year project. 

Backward Looking

Our work tells a story. It shows that we redesign this place. From a bland, boring place where not many students usually hang out and interact, we turned into a place where students can hang out and feel welcomed. A place with modernized furniture and modernized colors, so that students can be comfortable. Our work shows that redesigning a space, can bring the community together, to hang out, to interact with each others, and to share ideas. So you can see, our work shows, and tells a story. 

Inward Looking

I felt pretty well with piece. I do, because we made a prototype just hearing the description of our clients' redesign. Without any images of the redesign, my team can visualize what they want. I liked how my group chose the old garden area because that was pretty simple, we can just paint the base green, and the wall grey. After that we can add any furniture that they want. I dislike how what wanted a canopy that has one leg, and is kinda like an umbrella. If would do this, I would have umbrella for each tables, or have one big canopy that has four legs, to make it more sturdy. As you can see, I felt pretty well, and liked and disliked some things.

Outward Looking

I felt like we didn't do our work, like how other did their work. I say this because we were the one of two group who was making a prototype redesigning the old garden area. The other group that is doing it, has a different design. All of us has the same steps though, choosing a place to redesign and telling our clients. Our work is different because others chose to redesign the cafeteria, or the library, or even the track. So as you can see, we had some differences and some similarities with other group on this project. 

Forward Looking

I have some goals for the next time I work on this project. For example, I would want our team to split up some jobs. When we did this project, one or two people would mainly do the work, while the other person would do a bit of the work, If we split up the jobs, then everyone would have an even amount of things to do. Like Frank did the canopy and wall. I did the tables and the painting of the grass. Jessica did the chairs and some of the painting. I feel like me and Jessica didn't do much. As you can see, I have some goals for next time. 


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