Eco-House W3 - 1/27/17

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A

Design Process

This week, with my group, I am almost done with the 'prototype or scale model' step of the "Make and Test a Model." 


This week, I would say we have done many things. This whole week, we continued to build and finish of model of the eco house. For example, on Monday, since half of group wasn't here, me and my other teammate, Minh Anh, had to make some furnishing. We could not glue down to our house, because the model was with our teammate. We should have finished by last Friday. But, since some of us didn't finish, we a bit extra time. On Tuesday, since the half of our team wasn't here, we had one of them, Ben, had his mom bring it in. So they did. Me and Minh Anh continued to make more furnishings, like the kitchen and dining room. On Wednesday, since now that our whole team is here, we had more help. Me and Ben worked on the first floor, while Minh Anh and Jewel worked on the second floor, which looks way better. On Thursday, I added some more furnishing in the playroom and the living room, like computers, fish tanks, couches, a toilet in the restroom, tables, and tvs.  On Friday, we writing our blog. If we have enough time, we are continuing to work on our house plan. As you can see, we have done many things this week. 


This is the first floor, in progess.

This is the second floor.


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