
Showing posts from August, 2016

Electromechanical Systems: W2 - 9/2/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Design Process This week, I have done some things. I have the, 'design criteria and goals' of the Define the Problem step. Now, I am currently on the 'thumbnail sketching' step of General Possible Solutions.  Summary I found out that electromechanical engineers design and build circuits. Their salary is up to an average of $120,000. They can study at different universities, like University of Alberta. They study for 4-6 or more. They work up to 40 hours a week. Some companies that have electromechanical engineers is Texas Instruments, etc. Hat Design Links = 10 = 9.5 - 10

Electromechanical Systems: W1 - 8/26/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Design Process I am on the 'Define the Problem' step. For this week, I was assigned the topic, Electromechanical Systems.  Summary I learned that the category I fall in is electric. I use electronic circuits to control mechanical systems. Some manufacturers depend on electromechanical engineers for their processing. Some examples are using circuitry for video games and machines. Designing electronic devices for amusement parks. If you have the talent of problem solving, creativity, building things, making designs, making discoveries, and helping others, then you can be an electromechanical systems. As you can see, this is what I have done and learned throughout the week.  Links = 10