
Showing posts from March, 2017

Asteroid Impact W2- 3/31/17

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Design Process This week,  we are completed  the  background research  step . Now, we are on the brainstorming and thumbnail sketching step, since we just start to sketch Summary This week, we have done many things,  like continuing the Asteroid Impact  project .  On Monday, we continued learning and completing activities about asteroids and rocks. We complete, "Lesson 4: Possible Locations." My group, Kaden and Frank, we found some possible locations our cavern could be. We chose some of these locations because they have clear paths, away from physical/natural features, can get water easily, and is away from highways, and railroad. We also researched rocks, for its hardness, color, granularity, and luster. On Tuesday, we finished researching the rocks, and completed, "Lesson 6: Ranking the Rocks." We used our researched to rank the rocks giving it points. We then ranked the points, seeing which rock is the best...

Asteroid Background Research - 3/29/17

Background Research Throughout many lessons and activities, I have learned many things. I learned whether our cavern should be big. We said our cavern should be as big as 1/10 of the state. We looked at the map, and made sure our cavern is not in the way of any physical or natural geographical features, like mountains and fault lines. We learned how big each person takes up. After measuring the classroom, and dividing it by the amount of people, we found out each person should take up about 66.25 meters squared. For 10,000,000, it should be about 662.5 km sq. We then, compared the size to military base. We learned how big one map square is which is 10km by 10km. We found possible locations of the cavern. (D4,D5, E4,E5,F4,F5) (E24-26, F24-26, and half of G24-26), and (D11, D12, E11, E12) .We chose 3, because some of the locations are clear path of physical/natural features, and has a good rock. Out of 3, 2 of these locations have good rocks, like gneiss and granite. As you can see, ...

Asteroid Impact W1- 3/24/17

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Design Process This week,  we are still on  the background research step, because we are still doing and completing lessons and activity Summary This week, we have done many things,  like starting  a new project .  On Monday, we started new project, the Asteroid Project. My group, is me, Frank and Kaden. This project, we are to create a shelter that can withstand an asteroid. This shelter must be able to hold 10 million people. We were given a worksheet, "Lesson 1: What's the Problem?" With our group, we finding the problem, and coming with ideas of where we can have our cavern. On Tuesday, we were given another worksheet, "Lesson 2: How Big?" Again, with our group, we found out the measurement of the classroom, with the area of 110 meters squared, and a volume of 354 meters cubed. We were figuring out how big the shelter room should be, and how many beds can fit, and how big the room should be for eating, sleeping, playi...

Bridge Project Blog - 3/17/17

Project Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Image This is our bridge. Summary For this project, I'd say was quite difficult. Like I've said in the past, in this project, we are to create a bridge that can have a farmer, a fox, a chicken, and corn to cross over a 1 meter bridge safely. I'd say this project was difficult, because we had less building time, and the material to build the bridge was quite hard to build with. Before building, me and my group kinda brainstormed some different bridges types, and chose to do arch, with some combination of some parts of other bridges. Then, we decided to use penne pasta, because it has a harder and stronger than some other pasta. So we decided on a penne and spaghetti pasta, arch bridge. In this project, I have learned many things, like the 6 different bridge types, beam, suspension, arch, truss, cantilever, and a cable stayed bridge. Each bridge has 4 different types of stresses, compression, tension, torsion, and shear forces. Com...

Xriver-Bridges W2 - 3/10/17

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Design Process This week, we have fin ished the brainstorming of t he Ge nerate Possible Solution s step. Now we are on and ho pe to fin ish the protyp e of scale model of the Make a nd Test a Model step. Summary This week, we have done many things, like continuin g a new project . On Monday, we cont inu ed what w e d id last week . Me and one of my teammates, Eduardo fin ished up our pro s and cons a bout bridges. While the other two in team, Jennah an d Jewel started to p lan what w e are going to have in our bridge. On Tues day, when everyone was done , we all plann ed out our bridge. So we decid ed to combine different parts of different bridges and made it this bri dge. We have a truss from a truss bridges, and some other t hings tha t will give the bri dge some tension and compression. On Wed nesday, Jennah brou ght som e penne, bec ause our main material is penne, instead on spaghetti. Since Mrs . Gar cia gave each group a box of...